Ditch the Tripod for Serious Landscape Photography?
Handheld single image. I held the camera above my head to get the elements to align correctly. If you have been in the outdoor...

Best High End Landscape Photography Camera on a Budget
Sony a7RV, Canon EOS R5, Nikon Z7 II, Sony A1… the list goes on. It can feel like a major project trying to figure out what camera to buy...

The Less Obvious Side to Becoming a Better Landscape Photographer
You’ve heard it before. Make sure you have a clean and simple composition. Shoot during the best light. Use high-quality gear that won’t...

Shooting, Fast and Slow: Two Modes of Thought
You may have heard about the best-selling psychology book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. It digs into the dichotomy between...

Photography and Digital Manipulation: Finding a Middle Ground
One of the most important topics in the photography world revolves around the use of editing, digital artistic manipulation (such as...

Dan Presenting at 2021 Sedona Photography Symposium
Pro Dan Ballard is excited to be a speaker at the Annual Sedona Photography Symposium to be held August 12-15, 2021. He will be...

8 Tips to Improve Western and Horse Photography
If you’re shooting a western scene that has many subjects, think horses running, cattle drive, cowboys swinging ropes, etc. there are just s

Dan Speaking at 2021 OUTSIDERS Landscape Photography Conference
Dan will presenting alongside some of the biggest names in landscape photography, including Art Wolfe, Alex Noriega, Kevin Mcneal, Nick...

Nature First: Photographers Need to Be Aware of Their Impact
Environmental responsibility plays a huge role in the photography community, whether we realize it or not. If you’re going to take part...

![5 Tips to Unlock Your Creative Potential [Guest Post]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e9de2c_de320547a8f743e4b4e784fd6ee94dc4~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/e9de2c_de320547a8f743e4b4e784fd6ee94dc4~mv2.webp)
5 Tips to Unlock Your Creative Potential [Guest Post]
One of the most challenging aspects of photography is learning to be creative and see creatively. It’s easy to believe that some people...

Dan Joins Team Breakthrough
I’ve always worked with sponsors in various ways, but only with the companies that I trust and consider their products to be the best out...

Photography’s Secret Weapon: 11 Tips for Shooting Epic Landscapes with the Drone
I look down at my Inspire 2 screen, watch my world shift in perspective with each meter gained in altitude, and wonder out loud if those who